
A Guide to Helping Your Child Settle at Bedtime

Bedtime can be challenge for both parents and children. As the day winds down, some children begin the resist the idea of going to bed. If you are a parent wondering how you can get your child to settle at night time then you are not alone establishing a calming bedtime routine is a great […]

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Sweet Dreams: Helping Your Baby Sleep in a New Environment

Whilst welcoming a new member into the family is a exciting and joyous occasion with many family and friends to meet. This can often present the challenge of getting your baby to sleep in a new environment. Whether it’s a holiday, moving into a new home, or spending the night away, ensuring your baby sleeps […]

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How does warm weather affect my babies sleep?

With the british summer well underway me and my little bundle of joy have been taking every opportunity to soak up the warm weather whilst its here. Whilst the sun creates the perfect days to create memories it can always cause issues with bedtime routines.  There are many reasons why the warm weather can affect […]

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Embracing the Floor Bed for Toddlers: Benefits and Considerations

As parents, we constantly strive to create a safe and nurturing environment for our toddlers. When it comes to transitioning from a crib to a bed, one alternative to consider is a floor bed. Unlike traditional elevated beds, floor beds offer several benefits for toddlers, allowing them to explore independence, promote healthy sleep habits, and […]

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What is attachment and how does it affect sleep?

As parents we are always told about how attachment is important for our child however we are not always told what exactly attachment is and how it can affect babies routines.  Attachment refers to the emotional bond that develops between a child and their primary caregiver, typically the mother, during the first few years of […]

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Understanding babies naps and nap schedules

Nap time is a common struggle within families, and coincidentally common questions I get asked as a holistic sleep coach are to do with nap time. How long should a nap be? When should a baby nap? When should you shorten nap time? With the internet acting as both our best friend and enemy we […]

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Does cold weather affect my baby’s sleep?

2022 saw the coldest two weeks for December since 2010 with temperatures as low as -17.3C! The weather has noticeably remained cold, particularly at night. If you’re a parent I am sure that you have also noticed a change in your babies sleep cycle? That’s because cold weather affects sleep. Although there is a theory […]

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How does food relate to my baby’s sleep?

The impact food can have on sleep is something that most sleep consultants will be asked about a lot. Unfortunately changing your child’s dinner will not resolve any sleep disruptions, however, it is important to take this into consideration.  Food and appetite is strongly linked to the circadian rhythm To put into perspective, when  you […]

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Is thumb sucking bad for my child? Exploring the Facts and Tips for Parenting

A big debate within the parenting community is, is thumb sucking bad for my baby? It is the age-old question that lingers in the minds of parents all over the world. In this blog, we will discuss the impact thumb sucking can have on your child’s development. The simple answer to the question is no, […]

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Common myths about sleep training

Almost all parents will be able to relate to having interrupted nights and suffering the effects of sleep deprivation. As a parent in a time of need we can quickly revert to Google to try and make sense of why your baby is waking. At some moment in time you may have seated sleep training, […]

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