About Me

Welcome! I’m Emilie, the founder of Twilight Sleep Support. I’ve lived all over the world but am now settled in beautiful Shropshire with my little one.

I have a background in Biomedical Sciences, but realised that while I was fascinated by science, I didn’t want to spend all my time in a lab. I’ve always been called to connect with people on a meaningful, one to one level. I always knew I wanted to work with children and parents in some capacity, but wasn’t sure how exactly.

I moved into hospitality, and while I loved the connection element, I was missing the purpose of making a real difference in people’s lives. Then I had Lyra, and my whole world shifted on its axis. I fell so in love with my little one, and was fascinated as I learned more about how our little people develop. What started as research for my own parenting strategies, became a passion in its own right. 

I loved being a new Mum, but I also found it incredibly overwhelming. Everyone had an opinion on EVERYTHING – how I should dress the baby, feed the baby, where the baby should sleep. I felt confident in my instincts, but they seemed to contradict most of the mainstream parenting advice. 

After attending a baby massage class where someone advised that I start sleep training and teaching my six week old to ‘self soothe’ I felt rattled. I sat holding her as she slept that afternoon, and for the first time felt guilty. Was I failing my little one? Was I being selfish, cuddling her, when I should be teaching her to sleep in  her cot for her own health? Would she ever sleep if I didn’t teach her? 

I confided in my amazing doula, who led me to Lyndsey Hookway. I felt a sigh of relief as soon as I scrolled her Instagram, and realised that my instinct was right. I didn’t have to teach my baby to sleep – it was a natural state. My newborn wasn’t broken because she was happiest sleeping in my arms. She would sleep through the night whether I ‘taught’ her to or not. I immediately enrolled in the Holistic Sleep Coaching Program, which is run by Lyndsey, to learn to support families with their sleep in a gentle and respectful way. 

There are plenty of ways to improve your little one’s sleep, and your whole family’s quality of life as a result, without compromising your attachment or ignoring your instincts. There is absolutely no need to leave children of any age to cry alone, when we have so many effective strategies that don’t require it. If this resonates with you, and you’d like to work together to improve your little one’s sleep, contact me today.

With Love, 


Want to Know More?

Contact me today to find out how I can help you and your family.