Is thumb sucking bad for my child? Exploring the Facts and Tips for Parenting

A big debate within the parenting community is, is thumb sucking bad for my baby? It is the age-old question that lingers in the minds of parents all over the world. In this blog, we will discuss the impact thumb sucking can have on your child’s development.

The simple answer to the question is no, there are many different reasons why your baby is sucking their thumb all of which are completely natural and normal in a baby’s development.

Babies are born with a natural sucking reflex which is why some infants will automatically put their fingers or thumbs in their mouth to suck, it offers a calming effect for babies which is why it is very common for babies and children to suck their thumb at nightime.

Thumb sucking starts at a very early stage with some babies sucking their thumbs in the uterus before they are even born!

Whilst other newborn babies might begin to suck their thumb between feeds as a comfort mechanism and others not sucking their thumbs at all.

Whilst thumb sucking is completely safe for babies and toddlers it is important to try and get your child to stop before their adult teeth start to come through. Once your child’s baby teeth begin to be replaced by permanent teeth, thumb sucking can often change the natural shape of the mouth and so affect how the teeth line up. The way in which thumb sucking can affect the mouth and teeth will vary depending on the duration and intensity of thumb sucking.

It may take some time to help your child to stop thumb-sucking so at age 4 or 5 it may be time to consider weaning them off the habit. Whilst this won’t happen overnight there are things you can try to help your child to stop sucking their thumb.

  • Pick a good time – timing is always key when changing a child’s routine, in a time of stress or disruption you will have very little success in trying to change a habit. 
  • Talk to our child – It takes a lot of dedication to give up a habit, even for adults, so you will need to offer motivation and support. Focus on the positive aspects of stopping and try to avoid criticising or teasing your child about sucking their thumb.
  • Put a reminder on your child’s thumb  – whilst your child may have the motivation to not suck their thumb in the day when it comes to night time they may struggle to fight the urge and seek comfort in sucking their thumb. By sticking a plaster on your baby’s thumb it may act as a memory jogger for an absent-minded sleepy child. 

As your toddler naturally begins to outgrow thumb sucking, ensure to keep watch on the frequency of the habit. Moist children will naturally grow out of the behaviour on their own. However, if thumb sucking is to persist past the age of 5, it may be beneficial to explore effective methods for intervention to break the habit.

If night time thumb sucking does start to impact your child’s sleep, consider exploring holistic sleep packages tailored to your family’s needs before seeking orthodontic treatment. By delving into your unique dynamics, bespoke sleep packages offer support in creating an ideal sleep environment for your child to achieve their sleep goals.

In the grand scheme of things, thumb sucking is a common and begin behaviour that almost every child will go through in their early years. While it provides your child with comfort and emotion relief,it is wise to monitor the habits and take proactive steps where necessary. Ensure to remember your child’s well-being and development are at the forefront and with the correct approach, you can guide them towards a thumb-sucking-free path. Explore my holistic sleep packages today and begin your journey towards positive changes.